AI engaged in a discussion with us on the topic of green energy:

“Green energy is the generation of all forms of renewable sources of electrical power. Green energy is a very important aspect of today's society, as it reduces carbon emissions and contributes to a healthier environment. However, the quest for green energy has proven to be difficult. The main problem is how to efficiently produce and store a green energy without compromising the quality of the resulting power.”

Our features:

Our mission is to find the most effective and innovative solutions
for the development of the green energy industry
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Solar and wind energy

Optimal solutions for each particular task and individual attention to each client.

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Battery energy storage

Classic and modern energy storage solutions for best results and economic efficiency.

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Hydrogen H2

Particular attention is paid to the development of ways to extract and store hydrogen.

Our Inventions:

We are at the point of making discoveries.
We are currently developing a DC-DC converter
to increase the efficiency of green energy.

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DC-DC converter:

The ABS (Alternator Blok Solar) module is designed to multiply the energy efficiency of the SES.
In the 24V to 380V voltage range it triples the current intensity
(from 10A to 30A)
ABS module in the super wide range allows serial connection of solar panels without considerable loss of generated power to low-impedance load.
(finished product sample with low production costs)

The main characteristics of the lever include: range of operating currents and voltages, rated power, required gain in amperage and efficiency.
According to the range of operating currents and voltages and rated power, we will divide:
Lever low-voltage low power - up to 300 W (12A, 40V)
Low-voltage medium power lever - from 300 W to 3 kW (60A, 50V)
High-voltage traction lever of average power - from 300 W to 30 kW (120A, 300V)
High-voltage traction lever of high power - from 3 kW to 300 kW and more (300A, 600V).

For more information:

Our contacts:

+49 (170) 72 42 777

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